BFS Hms+

BFS Hms+

Hotel/Resort Management System
It is a Versatile Hospitality Management E.R.P, which is running efficiently at various Resorts/Hotels in India and at Middle East. This ‘HMS’ is designed to accommodate all the needs of various types of organizations like Resorts, Hotels, Motels, Small and Large Hotel Franchisees, Clubs, Inns, Lodges, and Hotel Apartments. This is very useful for the Resort/hotel staff including General Manager, Hotel Manager, Front Office Manager, F & B Manager, Laundry Manager etc. who can work efficiently and can provide the wide range of services to your customers. It is ‘GST’ compliant. Increase your bookings by implementing the Software Solution.

It covers every aspect of your property. The generalized version of the software is accepted with due to extremely easy to use in nature. The major modules of the Hospitality Management Software constitute of Easy Check-in/Checkout, Guest Reservation, Group Booking Management, House Keeping, F & B Management, Stock Management, Guest History etc.

A quick view of all your bookings, events, and room availability for the week ahead. Manage check-ins and room allocation at easy click. It emphasizes on the highest level of individual guest services through our comprehensive features integrating information contained in reservations till back office general ledger. Email/SMS Confirmation for all Bookings/Cancellation, both to you and to your customers. This User friendly software can be set up for your unique needs. The Software has been conceived by working professionals. The System is integrated with Laptops, Tablets, PDAs, Mobile Device.

Main Modules

Font office Management
  • Room Availability
  • Reservation
  • Check in
  • Check Out
  • Advance
  • Rate Settings
  • Billing
Guest Relationship Management (Room Management, Transfer)
Bar Management
Food & Beverages Management
Restaurant Management
Banquet Management
Inventory Management
GST Management
Human Resource Management (Payroll, Attendance, Leave, shift, OT, Earnings, Deductions, Pay Slip)
Management Information System
Financial Accounting – (Receipts, Payments, Journal, Contra, Ledger, Sundry debtors, Sundry Creditors, Trial Balance, Profit Loss, Balance Sheet)